Monday, October 9, 2023

The conflict between Jews and Palestinians in Israel in Brief

 The conflict between Jews and Palestinians in Israel is long-standing and deeply rooted in a complex web of social, political, and historical factors. It's essential to note that the following description is a simplified overview of a deeply nuanced and multifaceted issue:

Historical Background

Biblical Claims:

Both Jews and Palestinians have ancient historical and religious ties to the land. Jews trace their historical and spiritual connection back thousands of years, while the Palestinian Arab population also has deep-rooted historical and cultural ties to the land.

Ottoman and British Control:

The area, now known as Israel/Palestine, was part of the Ottoman Empire until the end of World War I. Post-WWI, it came under British control (British Mandate for Palestine, 1920–1948).

During the British Mandate, tensions between Jewish and Arab communities escalated, partially due to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which the British government expressed support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." Arab Palestinians opposed this.

Jewish Immigration:

Waves of Jewish immigrants came to the region during and after the British Mandate, often fleeing persecution in Europe. This increased the Jewish population and further intensified tensions.

Creation of Israel and Subsequent Wars

UN Partition and Creation of Israel:

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control. The Jews accepted the plan, but the Arab states and Palestinians rejected it.

In 1948, Israel declared independence, leading to war with surrounding Arab states.


The 1948 war led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, an event known as the Nakba ("catastrophe" in Arabic). Palestinians were either expelled from or fled their homes and became refugees.

Territorial Disputes:

Subsequent wars (such as those in 1956, 1967, and 1973) and the ongoing dispute over territories (like the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem) have significantly intensified the conflict.

Ideological and Nationalistic Aspects

Zionism vs. Palestinian Nationalism:

Zionism, the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel, is often in conflict with Palestinian nationalism, which seeks the establishment and recognition of an independent Palestinian state.

Right of Return:

The Palestinian demand for the right of return for refugees (to areas now in Israel) and the Israeli concern about maintaining the Jewish character of their state are major sticking points.

Political and Military Aspects

Occupation and Settlements:

Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and the existence and expansion of Israeli settlements there are major sources of tension and violence.

Hamas and Other Militant Groups:

Various Palestinian groups, such as Hamas, seek the establishment of a Palestinian state and have sometimes used violence and terrorism to pursue their aims, provoking Israeli military responses.

International Involvement

International Involvement:

The involvement of other countries and international organizations (such as the USA, UN, and various Arab and European countries) has also influenced the conflict, sometimes exacerbating tensions.

Social and Religious Factors

Religious Significance:

Jerusalem is a city of significant religious importance to Jews, Muslims, and Christians, leading to disputes over holy sites and the status of the city.

Social and Economic Inequalities:

Disparities in social, economic, and resource access between Israeli citizens and Palestinian inhabitants of the occupied territories also fuel the conflict.


This overview is not exhaustive but provides a general understanding of the multifaceted and complex roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The conflict involves a myriad of issues like territorial disputes, national identities, and historical grievances, which have made peace a challenging objective. Understanding these aspects requires further in-depth study into the socio-political intricacies of the region.

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