Saturday, October 24, 2015

Critical Consumers of the News

Critical Consumers of the News

Critical Consumers of the News
Paul Richard
Manipulating critical consumers of the news is difficult because:
  • They study alternative perspectives and world views, learning how to interpret events from multiple viewpoints.
  • They seek understanding and insight through multiple sources of thought and information, not simply those of the mass media.
  • They learn how to identify the viewpoints embedded in news stories.
  • They mentally rewrite (reconstruct) news stories through awareness of how stories would be told from multiple perspectives.
  • They analyze news constructs in the same way they analyze other representations of reality (as some blend of fact and interpretation).
  • They assess news stories for their clarity, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth, and significance.
  • They notice contradictions and inconsistencies in the news (often in the same story).
  • They notice the agenda and interests served by a story.
  • They notice the facts covered and the facts ignored.
  • They notice what is represented as as fact (that is in dispute).
  • They notice questionable assumptions implicit in stories.
  • They notice what is implied (but not openly stated).
  • They notice what implications are ignored and what are emphasized.
  • They notice which points of view are systematically put into a favorable light and which in an unfavorable light.
  • They mentally correct stories reflecting bias toward the unusual, the dramatic, and the sensational by putting them into perspective or discounting them.
  • They question the social conventions and taboos being used to define issues and problems.
As appeared in: Paul, R. and Elder, L. (2003). The Thinker’s Guide For conscientious Citizens on How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda in National and World News. Foundation for Critical Thinking. (p. 26).
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